Me with my lovely wife, Kathy:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Last week I had the privilege of hanging out with this group of teens. They are the member of the Jr. Hi Sunday School class at Covington Bible Church. If you examine the picture you can tell that they got together to work.

Sure we took some basketball breaks and there was some serious visiting that went on--not to mention guys watching girls and girls trying to figure out guys (Sorry parents, but it seems inevitable.), but bottom line they youngsters did a good job.

They stained some picnic tables and benches.

Got some Mother's Day gifts ready.

Cleaned, discarded and organized.
Young people have always been an important part of what God is doing. David, Daniel, Esther, Phillip and John are examples of people who were far from gray-headed who accomplished great things for the Lord.
Some of you might look at that picture and wonder why the old guy is hanging out with the kids. Why would the Senior-Pastor take time to teach a bunch of kids?
I reply, "Why would I not?"
I won't be in Covington this Sunday, but the week after I expect to be in class with this awesome group of kids. I look forward with eager anticipation to seeing what these guys and gals will do for the Lord.
They'll paint something red!
Go guys.

It was a good day.

To those of you who are convinced that all of today's teens are no, good, useless, etc. I offer the kids in this picture as evidence to the contrary.

It has always been like this

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