Me with my lovely wife, Kathy:

Thursday, July 28, 2011


John Stott Anglican Pastor and prolific writer just died.
Stott's influence reached far beyond the Anglican fellowship.  His books and articles have been a help to many.
In particular I found his commentary of 1 John of great help in understanding--to the extent I do--and preaching from that book.

Christianity reposted an interview with Stott from 15 years ago.  It is wide-ranging and thought-provoking. 
Below is a  quote that I especially like.
"If we can recover true expository preaching as being not only exegesis but an exposition and application of the Word of God, then congregations will learn it from us preachers and go and do the same thing themselves. We need to help our congregations to grasp and use the hermeneutical principles that we are using ourselves. We need to be so careful in the development of our evangelical hermeneutic that the congregation says, "Yes, I see it. That is what the text means, and it couldn't mean anything else."
The worst kind of preaching allows people to say, "Well, I'm sorry, I don't agree with you. I think you're twisting the Scripture.""

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