Me with my lovely wife, Kathy:

Saturday, April 3, 2021

A Couple of Easter Thoughts

 On something like fifty Easters, it has been my privilege to share the wonderful truth of the RESURRECTION. I have that privilege again this morning. Here on Guam, the COVID situation has gotten better. Easter isn't about Spring--the resurrection of Christ is as relevant in the Southern Hemisphere as the North--and it is not a celebration of relief from a plague. It is a celebration of victory over sin and death, so the return of visible life after the apparent deadness of winter and the lessening of the grip of disease are related, though. Easter is about life--fullness of life here and life for eternity.

The Book of Romans in the Bible has been called the "Constitution of Christianity." The eighth chapter talks about all creation groaning under the ravages of sin. It goes on to talk about the "in all these things we are more than conquerors" victory that was won on that first holy weekend. That victory includes the defeat of all the ravages sin brought to our planet.

For most of those fifty, or so, Easters Kathy has played the piano. She will be again today. As I write I hear her practicing "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. . . . My sins are gone. I've been set free." What a privilege to announce in music and word the wonderful victory. "Jesus Christ is no longer dead . . . He is risen, Halelujah. . . .  Joy to the world.

Happy Easter!

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