Me with my lovely wife, Kathy:

Monday, January 12, 2015

Lasts and Firsts, #2

I know that nothing is impossible with God, and I know that Moses didn't really get started until he was eighty.  (I'm fifteen years from that starting line.)  I know, however, that, unlike the great leader
of Israel, I probably won't live to be a vigorous hundred and twenty.
Looking at things with, what I hope is an appropriate, realism I have to conclude that some of my last chances have passed.  The first time I preached to Covington Bible Church as pastor is now more than forty years past.  The last time I will speak in that role is just a couple of months away.  What I can accomplish in that role is largely past.  I could go on and list other lasts, and speak of other opportunities that are past, but I'd rather focus on firsts and new possibilities.
For the first time in a long time I find myself in a situation where I know that I don't know exactly what is next.  It is frightening, but kind of exhilarating, as well.  I would like to think that I haven't been addicted to functioning within my comfort-zone, but serving in a local church context--the same local church all my life, doing the same basic tasks for decades--is something that I have enjoyed.  That is likely to change.  My ministry within the church will be different.  I'm already exploring possibilities and making plans to work outside that context.  As I already said, there is a lot that I don't know.  I do know that for the first time the possibilities are a lot more varied than at any time I remember.  There are  a lot more possibilities than certainties.
That is driving me to count on one great certainty.  "I will never leave you or forsake you."  (Jesus Christ).  I've known that as long as I can remember, but this is the first time I've had to cling to that promise with such tenacity.  My comfort ought to have nothing to do with how deep I am in my zone, rather I need to be concerned with how close I remain to my Lord.  I'd like to think that I've doubted that truth or struggled to live in the light of it for the last time.  I can't.  I am, however, beginning to see it more clearly.
That's not a bad first.

My last post also had to do with these musings.  It was the first in this series.

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