do, and a comfortable place to meet with visitors.
The furniture was a gift from a member of our "Guam church." The plan came from Kathy and a colleague of mine, here, at PIU. In the picture to the right, my Virginia home is on the left panel and my new, Guam home is on the far right.
The wall next to my desk has pictures of family and a copy of my "Delivery Business" saying. The greenery is something that grows in the yard.

Most of my books are digital. Some are still in Virginia.
The shelf has a few text books, some books I have rescued from a library sale & various mementos, some left by the previous president, Dave Owen. I keep the three hats on the top to remind me that I need to be flexible--wear different hats--and because it saves closet space at home. :)
This (left) gives you an idea of the area where I sit. I'm using the desktop computer, on the little table, right now. My laptop sits on the desk.
More greenery in the corner (below).

The diploma from Liberty Seminary and the window treatment, Kathy made, remind me of an old song. It was the theme to a John Wayne movie. Anyone remember?

Our emphasis, this year at PIU is on excellence. Whatever we do, we should seek to do it with excellence so we can glorify our Great God.
Let's do it. Thanks, Kathy for setting the example.
September 2019