Me with my lovely wife, Kathy:

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Different View from My Keyhole:

As I type, I'm looking out on green, and flowers, and palm trees. I'm a guest of my friends David and Joyce Owen. They are missionaries with Liebenzell Missioun USA, and Dave is the President of Pacific Islands University. We just finished our annual, three-day Board meeting.
Serving on the board of PIU is great privilege. It has given me opportunity, in a very small way, to have an impact on the growth of the church, and indeed the entire future, in this unique part of the world.
I'll share some more later, but let me simply say right now, I'm reminded of the little children's song we sing, "Red, brown, yellow, black, and white . . ." Not only does Jesus love all the people of the world, but in their heart all the people of the world have the same needs.
You folk back home, enjoy the brisk air.

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