Me with my lovely wife, Kathy:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Blind Side

Last week my wife and I went out on a date and watched the Movie, The Blind Side.
We liked it. My interest in the movie was piqued by a review/news-story in World Magazine, A couple of other folk that I know and trust spoke well of it, so . . .
The Tuohy family, though like many of my friends in some ways, is differnt than the average church family with which I am familiar. As their son says, they own like a million Taco Bells. (I'm drawing that from memory, so cut me some slack.) They live in a house that tempted my wife to envy, drive BMWs, and have their kids in a private school that is obviously a place where the kids of well-healed Christians can go be educated safe from the unwashed masses.
The movie milks that stereotype for a while. The school is devoid of people of color, except for Big-Mike, the young man the Tuohys rescue. At first most of the teachers--in particular one old, very-white male--portray the snooty attitude that the critics of Evangelicals love to characterize us with. This tension comes to a head at a lunch with Mrs. Tuohy and some of her friends. They are giving the commonly held view that we should help the unfortunate, but let's not get involved to the point that it gets messy. Leigh Anne Tuohy--whom my wife greatly admired for feistyness--let them know in no uncertain terms that she could buy an overpriced salad somewhere else.
One of the reasons that I would recommend that Evangelical Christians watch this movie is it challenges us to step out of our comfort zone. In one scene Leigh Anne is interviewing a potential tutor for Michael. All the questions have been asked when Miss Sue--this is Memphis--says that she needs to reveal something before they are done. Is she a convicted felon, was she fired from her last job for stealing family heirlooms? No, she is a Democrat. It is almost over-the-top, but not quite. Having some friends who fervently believe in the Inspirtation of Scripture, the Diety of Christ, the Substitutionary atonement, and that Ronald Reagan was our greatest president--all on an equal footing--I understood the line. Mr. Tuohy's joking response about having to adopt a black son before becoming friends with a Democrat helped redeem the mood.
All of us who have ever tried to do anything for someone have heard lines similar to one offered to Leigh Anne, "You have changed his life." Likewise all of us who have ever tried to help someone for the right reason understand Leigh Anne's response, "No, He changed my life."

I liked Quintin Aaron's (Michael Oher)acting job. He kind of reminded me of Clint Eastwod in an old Italian Western. Most of his lines were facial expressions. If I don't say I liked Sandra Bullock my wife will be mad at me, but I liked the way she played the role even without the threat.
In short, these are real people. They come across that way. The movie entertained me, and challenged me. There is some languqge I wouldn't particularly want younger kids to hear, and there are some intensly emotional scenes. The Plugged In review gives plenty of information about the films content.

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